what to tell people when they ask why god lets bad things hapoen

Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?

Gary Zimak - Suffering

Why would a loving God permit bad things to happen?

The recent tragedy at the Boston Marathon certainly brings this question to the minds of many people. If God actually loves us, why does He let us to suffer? Why does He allow terrorism, child abuse and natural disasters to occur? While the brutally honest and truthful answer is that "He's God and He knows what He's doing", there are a few specific points that can assist the states to ameliorate empathize these tragedies. And, quite frankly, understanding them can ofttimes make the difference betwixt moving closer to the Lord or turning our backs on Him.

Free Volition – God loves us and so much that He gives us the gift of free volition. This means that while we are free to do expert, nosotros also have the ability to do evil. The person or persons who caused the explosions in Boston chose to commit an evil human action. In no manner did God cause this to happen. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church building (CCC):

Angels and men, every bit intelligent and free creatures, accept to journey toward their ultimate destinies by their free choice and preferential dearest. They can therefore go off-target. Indeed, they have sinned. Thus has moral evil, incommensurably more harmful than physical evil, entered the world. God is in no manner, directly or indirectly, the cause of moral evil. He permits it, all the same, because he respects the liberty of his creatures and, mysteriously, knows how to derive expert from it. (CCC 311)

Greater Good – In his Letter of the alphabet To The Romans, St. Paul states that "We know that IN EVERYTHING God works for good with those who dearest Him, who are called co-ordinate to His purpose." (Romans 8:28, accent mine) Non just the good things, just the bad things too. How is it possible that adept can result from the mutilation and murder of innocent people? While I don't claim to sympathize all of God'southward reasons, there are a few obvious ones that stand up out. When tragedy occurs, we become to see people helping one another. Every time a tragedy takes place, at that place are numerous stories of heroism and genuine love of neighbour that emerge. We also see an increment in prayer. Many people who aren't used to praying suddenly "hit their knees". Nosotros're also reminded of our mortality and how we're not really in control of our own destiny.

In time we can discover that God in his almighty providence can bring a good from the consequences of an evil, even a moral evil, acquired by his creatures: "It was not you", said Joseph to his brothers, "who sent me here, merely God. . . You lot meant evil confronting me; but God meant it for good, to bring information technology about that many people should be kept alive." From the greatest moral evil ever committed – the rejection and murder of God's simply Son, caused by the sins of all men – God, past his grace that "abounded all the more",brought the greatest of goods: the glorification of Christ and our redemption. But for all that, evil never becomes a practiced. (CCC 312)

Trust – When tragic events occur, we are given an opportunity to trust God. It is during the dark times that we must truly "walk by faith and not by sight" (ii Corinthians 5:vii). When skies are blue, information technology's a lot easier for us to trust than during storms. However, storms often give us the best run a risk to abound closer to the Lord.

We firmly believe that God is master of the world and of its history. But the ways of his providence are oft unknown to u.s.. Simply at the terminate, when our partial cognition ceases, when we see God "face to face", volition we fully know the ways by which – even through the dramas of evil and sin – God has guided his creation to that definitive sabbath rest for which he created heaven and world. (CCC 314)

An Invitation – When bad things happen, either in our ain life or in the lives of others, nosotros are invited to assist God in bringing adept out of evil. We can practise this past praying. Although the Lord doesn'tneed our help, He allows us to help Him through the deed of prayer.

Since Abraham, intercession – asking on behalf of another has been feature of a eye attuned to God's mercy. In the historic period of the Church, Christian intercession participates in Christ's, as an expression of the communion of saints. In intercession, he who prays looks "non only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others," even to the indicate of praying for those who do him impairment. (CCC 2635)

Heaven – As much as we'd like information technology to exist, this world is non perfect. Pain and suffering do be. Accepting this volition cause u.s. to remain calm when these events occur. In addition, it will increment our desire for heaven, where there is NO PAIN AND SUFFERING!

We tin therefore promise in the celebrity of sky promised by God to those who love him and do his will. In every circumstance, each one of united states of america should hope, with the grace of God, to persevere "to the stop" and to obtain the joy of sky, as God's eternal reward for the good works accomplished with the grace of Christ.

Although information technology'south not like shooting fish in a barrel, information technology's crucial for u.s. to keep our eye on the Lord when "bad things" happen. Blaming Him for the suffering, although understandable, is neither authentic or wise. If we truly believe that He loves u.s., we should strive to run across His goodness in everything. Doing so will bring us slap-up peace, even in times of turmoil.

© 2013. Gary Zimak. All Rights Reserved.

42 thoughts on "Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?"

  1. So, what kind of "god" would make a kid to be given upward past the very mother who kept her next 2 children, and so let that child to be adopted past a family unit that turns effectually to corruption that kid and ultimately abandon them? What kind of "god" takes that same child as an adult and inflicts a painful and incurable disease upon that developed, and then sends that adult to a place where they volition never qualify for medical assistance to even get palliative care? What kind of "god" ignores the prayers of that adult, who prays for help in finding a task that volition enable them to help themselves, just for that "god" to reply with silence– and the person is Nevertheless looking for a job? What kind of "god" allows that very same developed to be abused by a spouse, by multiple "loved ones", to be injured, to be told by a priest that they must "love their husband" and that divorce is wrong and they must obey their abusive spouse and "accolade" the parents who abused them? What kind of "god" is that? When someone prays for the tornado to miss their home and the home is wiped off the map, did that "god" get too busy to reply? Did the people pray the wrong way, or in the wrong dialect, or in the wrong posture or with a head uncovered? Did that god want the home to be destroyed for glory? Did that god brand the tornado hit the home on purpose or was the god powerless to stop it, or did the god just not give 2 cents? Or… does that god but not exist at all?

    Simple… at that place IS NO SUCH THING as "gods" or "God" or whatever. God didn't make any of usa. We were made when a homo placed his (body part) inside a adult female'southward (torso office) and ejaculated at the time that an ovum was making its way out of the ovary and down the Fallopian tube. There's nothing mystical about this, and no god is involved.

    I used to believe but when my prayers for myself and others went unanswered… when I really got to thinking nigh it… and realized that any "prayer" that is answered favorably is mere happenstance and that far more prayers are like whistling in the wind, I realized why prayers are unanswered. Information technology'southward because no 1 listens to prayer. There is no one listening. Considering "gods", similar Santa and the tooth fairy, are not real. Just as nosotros grow upward and quit believing the "Santa" nonsense, and so we just grow up and realize that this "god" or "God" is just like that. Nonexistent.

  2. Pingback: When Bad Things Happen to Skillful People + Genuflect

  3. One time mankind had free will and he she had greater powers and non the limited v senses we take at present. Humanity has been close down from their true potential, this was washed by evil beings who hijacked this planet long ago, this is also where the link with the devil comes from. Humanity has been held every bit a prisoner on planet prison house Earth everything including conventionalities systems were ready. I say why has God allowed this to continue for nearly 5,000 years? when it is humanities desire to progress on the spiritual level, yet with more than than half your mind shut downwards how are we to detect our style out of this mess. They say we are in the times of waking up and those who have committed this law-breaking on humanity volition be removed past God. Humanity is really super human but in the shut down country we are no more than programmed robots, serving a system. I do non believe that nosotros will exist lifted up past so chosen watchers from the stars who merits to be concerned, when things on this planet could exist stopped, after all if yous can accept a beam ship, and movement between unlike worlds, and so you would have the applied science to not just close down nuclear military sites, y'all could destroy every homo made weapon of war off this planet. Then it seems this planet is in the grip of those who desire it, and they want to continue humanity from finding out the existent truth. I am certain if humanity ever gets back their true being in the universes and happened to pass a planet, of a lower dimensional order like Earth they would lend a mitt, but is seems all these then called watchers are afraid to get their hands muddied, in case they may crusade harm and this will throw their evolution backwards. I can understand this I you accept risen to a spiritual level, you lot would not desire to throw your self backwards. But as I said they would have the technology to freeze weapons, make them useless, they could help people suffering through no fault of their own. So we have a powerful aristocracy on this planet who are trying to cause a tertiary globe state of war and the mindless stupid people are being sucked in. I think it is time these beings opened up, showed themselves and put an end to the wicked evil on this planet Or will we take to free ourselves and the simply way we can practise this is to understand what really has happened to this globe and humanity. If Jesus is truthful, then he is the but one humanity can have faith in, to solar day we meet the mass of humanity acting like sheep or programmed robots, the concluding couple of generations who have no idea how this world was a few decades agone. We did have a lot more liberty, which is now being taken away from united states, past lies. I do believe humanity will destroy them selves rather than live in the low-cal of God and that will be an stop.

  4. Especially for the people similar u.s. that are still Single and Don't want to be.

  5. Especially with many of us that have been Punished with No love life.

  6. It is my volition to not be blown up by some terrorist's bomb. It is the will of the terrorist to blow me up. It appears that the merely will God cares about, is the volition of the tearing and never the volition of the passive. This argument must include the fact that God is more concerned about the free-will of the rapist over the free-will of the raped.

    1. Well Every one on this is a fool on this blog. no need to keep posting things since everyone has their mind made up and no i is going to change. I simply am posting to let all know that the day you die, than you volition know if their is a god or non and if their is not than it volition not matter 100% since y'all volition never have any think of anything…………

    2. I respectfully disagree. I have my current point of view from people providing me things to remember on. I idea foolish things, merely people were willing to accept the time for a fool and I'm glad they did. This is me paying information technology frontwards, even if 99.99% dismiss it out-of-manus.

      As far as God goes, I know, at this very moment, that there is no God or, to put it another way, zero in Heaven has whatsoever noticeable bear upon on life hither. When I dice, my interest with this world ends. Knowing this, I can live life as if there is no God. This is why nigh people weep at funerals, because that person volition brand no new impact on this planet.

      I really don't recollect most people believe in God anyways. Look at all these old religious people trying to live to 100. They rarely look like they are in a blitz to the Pearly Gates.

  7. God doesn't preclude terrible things from happening considering:

    A) He can't
    B) He doesn't want to
    C) He causes them
    D) He doesn't exist

    Delight vote now.

  8. Well he is certainly punishing me with singleness.

  9. Pingback: Why Did You Let This Happen? | Kurious Kat

  10. Pingback: What'due south so bad about suffering anyway? | Michaela Daphne

  11. Well he certainly just created too many very nasty women out at that place nowadays that are very disrespectful to the states men when nosotros volition endeavor to first a conversation with the one that attracts us, and the women of today are certainly goose egg like the existent skilful ladies like we had years ago that were much easier to meet when money wasn't an effect like many of them are looking for today. At present nosotros take merely too many very stuck up high maintenance women out at that place, and they are so sorry and very pathetic.

  12. Personally I observe none of the reasons stated above as disarming following are my reasons

    1.If child murderer is stopped how many people'south costless volition , will be affected ?.. only the murderer'southward by interfering God can save the kid and the family of the kid the anguish equally well. And then even if God is making this selection it is a stupid one.

    2.Greater Good- allow expert come up but why should good come by bad things, why does the omnipotent god not brand good things happen through Adept things ?

    three.Trust & Prayer- Deplorable not disarming since if this is the style God has to convince people then he is nothing simply a Sadist.

    iv.Heaven- Why fifty-fifty take a sky, let him make this earth itself a heaven free from all suffering , misery and permit it be full or joy.

    In brusque if an omnipotent God does not finish all misery, then it simply means he is not willing to and is a Sadist.

    1. To answer your question the devil is here with us on globe god is non if you want proof read genesis and it will tell y'all genesis three:1-5 yall are very lost I promise one day each and every one of you will find the truth 1 day…the devil told god that he mankind doesnt need him and that god is liar and that we dont demand a god that we will eventually stop needing and beliving him…too the devil wants the states to evidence to god that nosotros dont but we practise hes our creqtor who gave us life hes testing u.s.a. guys that is all dont worry nigh the innocent kids simply just know that they will be saved
      P.s. if god would have destroyed flesh and the devil wouldnt god but be contradicting himself

  13. I believe the unfairness on Globe is a related repercussion stemming from the Fall of Adam and Eve. After they partook of the forbidden fruit, the Lord God told Adam and Eve that "cursed is the ground for [their] sake; in sorrow shalt [they] swallow of information technology all the days of [their] life" (Genesis three:7). Similarly, we go through suffering past our choices. God continues to allow our choices and the advisable consequences to occur considering he loves u.s.a. just like Adam and Eve. And like a loving begetter, God wants us to learn for ourselves. This imperfect world is actually the perfect school to learn the opposition that exists in all things. He never abandons the states either; Our God is here to back up us every step of the style.

    If yous want to know about why God allows suffering, read from Cherie'southward experience:

    1. And so God is punishing innocent children for the acts of ii people about lx,000 years ago (when human being sapiens accomplished behavioral normalcy)" Logic is absent…and then is an anthropomorphic diety..

  14. When pondering this topic, I am struggling with the idea of miracles. If God is able to perform miracles that defy the laws of physics, why doesn't he intervene, or if he does intervene, why not more often? Are His miracles mostly worked out with the cooperation of people, like calling someone to assist the poor? And by refusing to do it someone goes without nutrient? I realize that I tin can't comprehend all of it, but it really feels like God doesn't beloved us when he doesn't seem to intervene. I find this especially true when people brag about all the blessings they received from the Lord. Like God only intervenes if he likes u.s.. I'grand non maxim that's truthful, but information technology definitely tin can feel that way. How tin can nosotros end feeling that way? And if we prone to question so much, why didn't God make us a little less intelligent?

    1. Angela,
      I hear very clearly your angst in pondering tough questions. My son drowned after 25 minutes under h2o at a camp…was revived at a trauma centre and is alive and totally disabled. God did non hev nor salve him. Why? No cures? Why"
      After 15 years of caring for him, and reflecting deeply, I have come to believe that our man-fabricated version of God is not existent. God is not a person, nosotros are non tainted past some early on primates sin, pleasure is good and pain is to be alleviated. At that place is an energetic source of which we are all part…always were and always exist. We but fabricated the mistake in believing men who falsely believed they were talking for a god…fabricated them like gods. There is a source and fountain of energy that nosotros each discover for ourselves…not an anthropomorphic man-made deity.

    2. Phil,

      I am so deplorable about the tragic drowning of your son. I can tell y'all are hurt and looking for answers that no man has always been able to give you. I of the reasons is in 1John 5:19 where it tells united states who the real ruler of this globe is. Only at that place is hope and there are answers to why bad things happen to good people. I'm going to attach a link here, it's a book chosen, "What Does the Bible Really Teach?". You, along with thousands of other people are looking for answers that God's Word, the Bible has for you lot. Read Chapter three and 11, for they pertain directly to this articles questions.

      http://world wide web.jw.org/en/publications/books/bible-teach/why-does-god-allow-suffering/

      Be well,


    3. You can't exist serious sending me to a link on a Jehovah Witness site….If I looked for answers that cult would be the last place I would await.

  15. God lets bad things happen because too busy trying to figure out how not to be nonextant to terminate them.

  16. Pingback: Quaternary Sunday of Easter | St. John

  17. Well, I do not think that God (the Source) allows proficient things to happen no bad things to happen. No good being would stand up by and sentinel evil proliferate; no skilful being would allow children to be killed without intervene is he has the ability to arbitrate….I believe that God fix in motion a series of creative events carried forward by the evolutionary and process which presently culminated in we, primates. In all species and sun-species, especially primates there exists good and evil…one quality could not exist without the other. God? He set it in motion, allows it to go on forth an path of evolution of consciousness and does not intervene, no affair how much nosotros hope he would…he leave the evolution of life and consciousness to human being. We create our destiny..that is why good and evil exist. There is no need to rely on the concept of God to explicate or understand good nor evil.

    1. Jesus was nailed to the cantankerous for us for our sins whipped beat upward and spit on he defeated the devil for our eternity and we ask where he is ?He told us non to be of this world just nosotros keep asking

    2. @Mike…my son has been a spastic quad, non mobile, not exact and 100% dependent on me for intendance…just what sin did he commit that Jesus was nailed to a cantankerous and whipped. Some, and it is non a pocket-sized proportion of people are literally incapable of sin…..logis fails.

    3. I tin can say allot simply your pain you don't want to hear anything about Love. Your love that your son needs to keep breathing and the dedication on your function
      yous never give up one day your son volition be 100% in heaven so until that 24-hour interval permit people see that God lives in the states while were however hither on earth.this life of 70-90 years is short but eternity is Forever!and to those that believe in Jesus will never die but live in peace forever.God is watching our moves and how we react he tin can bless the worst situation.My son was in a automobile accident 3 years ago without details and i year of rehab is walking with a paralysed correct leg non far and cant work due to his brain injury.We will go far through these times on earth recall God never leaves us he is always with us Satan would similar to play with our minds and become united states of america against God and loving one another.
      Ane 24-hour interval we will be in perfection and to those who refuse him wow I don't want to be on that side.

    4. Y'all puzzle me Phil. You say that you don't believe in the God that we all collect here to hash out nevertheless you render to THIS place over and over and tell u.s.a. of your pain. I wonder what you are looking for. Do you go to Mormon sites and Evangelical sites and Humanist sites and Hindu sites looking for answers? What is information technology near Catholicism that intrigues you enough that you return here regularly to tell us that our organized religion is not large enough to deal with your pain?

      Are y'all waiting for a person with slap-up faith to tell a story of hurting that is worse than yours? There are parts to my story that are sucky plenty that I could make y'all shift in your seat with discomfort were I to tell you the whole truth simply really at that place is nothing to be gained in comparison pain. Pain and loss is pain and loss and its all horrible.

      You are invited to enter into a communion with God to experience it WITH Him if you choose merely in the end even He wont violate your gratuitous volition. Information technology does take a spring of faith to decide that yous are set up to run across that God is bigger than your pain even when your pain is big.

    5. Let me explain….I never said that I do not believe in the the SOURCE…I do non believe in the anthropomorphic representation of God who is given certain attributes by men. Humans reached behavioral normalcy virtually 60,000 years ago without a clue most the Bible and the RCC and they were also good people. Christianity is only 2,000 years quondam. Why would the SOURCE wait 58,000 years to reveal the SPIRIT which energetically binds united states of america all.
      I periodically comment on this site when a post runs confronting my every conventionalities I have integrated over 66 years. I was built-in a RC and was a member of a RCC religious order for viii years…I left and establish answers in myself. I visit and annotate on sites of many religions not simply RCC.

      I practise not look for answers from religion but I attempt to communicate that a worthy life can be lived independent of whatever sect and I try to alive my life that mode. I as well challenge beliefs which I believe are simplistic and ritualistic and which do not identify an absolute priority on our duty to all people.

      I guess this quote summarizes my position best:

      "No human race is superior; no religious organized religion is inferior. All collective judgments are wrong. Only racists make them"

      ― Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and humanitarian

    6. Funny seeing how the world is only 6600 years erstwhile.

      Universal Christian that believes Jesus is the son of God born of a virgin named Mary. Simple and he taught us to Love one some other.

    7. The bible fourth dimension line truth

    8. @Mike , Please provide the direct biblical reference and non make statements which fly in the face of logic and science.

      According to reliable radiometric dating techniques used by geologists, the Earth is at least 4.5 billion years old (that'southward iv,500,000,000 years before present). This is based on measurements on outcrops of very ancient rocks(not fossils – a widely believed misconception!). Only these rocks themselves were probably been derived from even older rocks which formed the offset-formed continental crust.

      Nowhere in the Bible is the age of the Earth mentioned.

    9. http://cosmos.mobi/how-old-is-the-world
      [image: Disqus] Settings
      A new comment was posted on Catholic Stand —————————— *Phil Dzialo*
      @Mike , Please provide the straight biblical reference and not make statements which fly in the confront of logic and science.

      According to reliable radiometric dating techniques used by geologists, the Earth is at least 4.5 billion years former (that'southward 4,500,000,000 years before present). This is based on measurements on outcrops of very aboriginal rocks(not fossils – a widely believed misconception!). Merely these rocks themselves were probably been derived from fifty-fifty older rocks which formed the first-formed continental chaff.

      Nowhere in the Bible is the age of the Earth mentioned.

      10:11 a.1000., Tuesday March 11
      * Answer to Phil Dzialo *
      Phil Dzialo'due south comment is in reply to *Mike Loffreda*:
      The bible time line truth

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    10. There is facts and faith I'1000 distressing just I'chiliad a believer in Gods discussion not something human being fabricated up.

    11. @Michael… And where are God's words specifically that the earth is 6,000 years old…finish evading the question. Faith is based on something…where are his words? in the Bible?

    12. I sent a link to you with biblical facts

    13. So let's look at what Pope Benedict and the Vatican say:

      "According to the widely accepted scientific account, the universe erupted 15 billion years ago in an explosion called the 'Big Blindside' and has been expanding and cooling ever since. Later there gradually emerged the atmospheric condition necessary for the formation of atoms, yet afterward the condensation of galaxies and stars, and near 10 billion years afterwards the formation of planets. In our own solar system and on globe (formed about four.5 billion years ago), the atmospheric condition have been favorable to the emergence of life. While in that location is little consensus among scientists near how the origin of this starting time microscopic life is to be explained, in that location is general understanding amidst them that the start organism dwelt on this planet well-nigh 3.5 – 4 billion years ago. Since it has been demonstrated that all living organisms on earth are genetically related, it is nearly certain that all living organisms have descended from this first organism. Converging show from many studies in the physical and biological sciences furnishes mounting back up for some theory of evolution to account for the development and diversification of life on earth, while controversy continues over the pace and mechanisms of evolution. While the story of human being origins is complex and subject to revision, physical anthropology and molecular biology combine to make a convincing case for the origin of the human species in Africa about 150,000 years ago in a humanoid population of common genetic lineage. Notwithstanding information technology is to be explained, the decisive gene in human origins was a continually increasing brain size, culminating in that of homo sapiens. With the development of the human encephalon, the nature and rate of evolution were permanently altered: with the introduction of the uniquely homo factors of consciousness, intentionality, freedom and inventiveness, biological evolution was recast as social and cultural evolution." (From the International Theological Committee, headed by then Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger now Pope Benedict 16, statement "Communion and Stewardship: Man Persons Created in the Epitome of God," plenary sessions held in Rome 2000-2002, published July 2004)

    14. So phil I asked you in the private e-mail who exercise you cull in the terminate would yous like to be with God for eternity?or the devil for eternity .I'm just trying to effigy out what the point is to all this did God speak the world into existence with his word?or do nosotros continue to read other writers perspective and opinions on earth .are y'all a Christian or a doubter…

  18. Another thing to note is that Jesus did non triumph over evil without suffering. He asked (in Gethsemane), but he knew the respond. Suffering gives us the opportunity to come closer to God through Jesus Christ but its reminder that we are not in control.

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Source: https://catholicstand.com/why-does-god-let-bad-things-happen/

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